Your State Association of Professional Reflexologists |
On this page, you can download membership applications for both the Reflexology Association of Iowa and the Reflexology Association of America. Instructions and information about dues and mailing directions are available on the application.
Benefits of Membership
Open to any person or school who can show education and experience in the profession of reflexology. 300+ hours of documented reflexology training.
200+ hours of documented reflexology training, or certified with ARCB, or graduation from a program facilitated by an NCRE accredited educator.
1. Student: Any individual pursuing an education in reflexology.
2. Supporter: Any individual, organization or business entity that desires to support the growth and development of the reflexology profession.
3. Honorary Limited Membership or Lifetime Membership: Awarded by RAA.
Retired Reflexologist: Past RAA Advanced Reflexology Practitioner or Reflexology Practitioner member.
Reflexology School: The school’s owner must also be a professional member of RAA. Note: Schools do not vote or hold office but the owner may.